Hello all. I know you've been chomping at the bit to hear more exciting adventures about my time here in Japan. Unfortunately real life has gotten in the way of my traveling recently. I started working a job Tuesdays and Thursdays teaching English, and have between 2 and 4 classes every day Monday through Friday. So I've been doing little of interest, unfortunately, as my time has been consumed by work and the inevitable drag as things stop being so new and shiny and my impetus to go out there and do exciting things on a whim begins to wane makes me more prone to watch hours upon hours of Avatar: The Last Airbender (the series, not the movie, don't worry) than hike a mountain or wander the streets of the city. I know, it's lame and there's no excuse for it, but it looks like there's little likely to change for a little while actually.
So I hate to say it, but until classes end and I begin having 4-day weekends to explore the Kyoto and Shima slopes, among other things, I may not have much to say here. At some point soon I'll have a post on Osaka, as I'm there twice a week and am there so often. And I may have more on Kyoto too at some point. I promise the winter season will make things interesting all over again. I want to go somewhere cool (Tokyo perhaps) for Oshougatsu (Japanese new years), Christmas will be fun, and I hear that Osaka has a German-style christmas market. I won't expect it to be too reminiscent of Deutschland, but it'll be cozy I'm sure and I will find/make some Glühwein if it's the last thing I do this year.
So there it is. My apologies. Keep checking back from time to time, but the next month will be somewhat light on the posts. You're all awesome and let me know if you have any suggestions.
Of course you can check out the best of all of the photos I've taken at www.flickr.com/delue